Towers of London- Blood Sweat and Towers
Cool Band Name.
Catchy CD title.
Described as "The Sex Pistols spawned a child who had the fashion sense of Motley Crue."
Itunes labels this as rock. It's more alt/punk, but the problem is that while it's upbeat and toe tapping, it's not really what the genre is all about. I can't lay claim to being a metal or punk fan by any stretch of the imagination, but I've always dug The Clash, The Cure, DRI, Dead Milkmen, and a few others. On the right day I might even take in a little Black Flag. I'm only on the 4th track right now, but I think there is a maturity that's missing from this music. If I am going to listen to this type of music, someone's life had better suck. There had better be some ridicule and chastising on the horizon. This band strikes me as a cross between Sweet and The Surf Punks. Nice sound that's aaaaalmost as catchy as Sweet, but as silly and juvenile as The Surf Punks.
What can I say. I gave it a chance. I think they'll have their fans, but in my book, they only rate a C. This is the sort of music I'd have on as background music so I could study. Nice riffs, nice solid beat, but that's about it.
Check some out for yourself!

Blood, Sweat & Towers
Towers of London
TVT Records
Download "Air Guitar" (MP3, 192kbps)